Mission Statement

Chicago Metro Presbytery exists to extend the gospel and to oversee the work of the ministry of the PCA throughout the Chicago Metropolitan area to the glory of God.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

20th Stated Meeting | April 14, 2010

Please note, our April 14 Stated Meeting will be at Naperville Presbyterian Church at 12:00 pm for lunch, with worship and business to follow at 1:00 pm:

Naperville Presbyterian Church
943 Sanctuary Lane
Naperville, IL 60540
Directions to NPC

630-961-0579 phone
630-961-0424 fax

Monday, March 15, 2010

July 2010 Haiti Mission Trip

The July 2010 Haiti trip (July 10-17) has a commitment date of April 16. Please distribute the attached information to your missions team and any individuals in your congregation you think might be interested. There is an informational meeting for those interested in hearing more on Wednesday, March 24 – just 10 days from now.

There are multiple ways for CMP congregations to get involved in this effort – sending people, sending donations (a strategic list of donations will be available within the next month), underwriting the cost of needed medicines, and committing to pray for the team while they’re there. Your participation in any way is a blessing to the team, to the people of Haiti, and – we hope! – to your congregation as well.

Please get back to Ann Powers with any questions at apowers@pcanet.org.

Downloadable flyer

Friday, March 12, 2010

Support for Tanzania Missions

Isaac Challo is a regular attendee of Naperville Presbyterian Church. He and his wife will be returning to Tanzania to engage in open-air evangelism in Eastern Africa.

Please see the letter from Wheaton College requesting support for "Challo" as he graduates soon and will be engaging in ministry. If you are able to contribute something from the resource list, please use the contacts provided.

Download: July 2010 Haiti Mission Trip

Please see the downloadable flyer for the July 2010 Haiti Mission Trip. Please download and duplicate this flyer for use in your churches, small groups or other ministry venues to publicize the coming trip.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Peacemakers Conflict Coaching | May 21-22

Trinity Presbyterian, PCA (in Hinsdale) and Park Community Church (in the city) are excited to partner and bring Peacemakers Ministries to Chicago to provide Conflict Coaching training. The training will be at Park Community Church Friday evening, May 21 and all day Saturday, May 22nd.

I want to encourage the pastors and elders to seriously & thoughtfully consider this training. As God's shepherds you are often in the midst of some serious & sticky life situations. This training is indispensable for your leadership and laity in your church, your marriage, and even parenting. It gives you the skills and categories to help discern the heart issues underneath the conflict

Conflict is everywhere! It can start small, with a hurtful word, and can develop into a larger issue of damaged relationships and broken trust. Conflict can manifest itself in the church, workplace, and home, and if not properly handled can leave individuals feeling discouraged and hopeless. Attend Conflict Coaching, and learn how to coach others in their conflict by glorifying God and applying His principles of peacemaking to each situation.

Register by March 19th and save!

Download form and information.

Monday, March 8, 2010

MTW Facebook

Perhaps many of you on Facebook are already aware that MTW has a page for updates and information...

MTW Facebook Page

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Zambia 2010 Missions Opportunity

Greetings Everyone,

Please find attached a short summary of a missions trip one of our ruling elder's wives (Theresa Thaete, wife of Larry) and others, are planning to take soon. Our session is in support of this, and were hoping the Lord may lay on the hearts of some in our Presbytery to participate in the prayer and funding for this. Please discuss with your Sessions/Missions Committees as the Lord may lead.

Thanks for your consideration!

Sincerely in Christ,

Rick Sutton, for the Lakeview Session