Mission Statement

Chicago Metro Presbytery exists to extend the gospel and to oversee the work of the ministry of the PCA throughout the Chicago Metropolitan area to the glory of God.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Called Meeting, Tue, 11/9, 11:00 am

At the October 20, 2010 meeting of the Chicago Metro Presbytery, a quorum was not met. In accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Chapter 11, article 40 on Quorums: "Proceeding in the Absence of a Quorum" the body present is allowed to proceed with business with the view to ratify the business of the meeting at a future date by the assembly. This suggestion was made and supported by the floor: to continue with the business of the day and have a called meeting at a future date to ratify the business.

Therefore, the Called Meeting of Chicago Metro Presbytery is set for November 9, 11:00 am. The purpose of the Called Meeting is approve the minutes of the 22nd Stated Meeting of CMP on October 20, 2010. This called meeting should last only a few minutes to establish a quroum and approve the minutes (forthcoming in another email). This is in accordance with BCO 13-12 regarding called meetings of presbytery. If you are in the area and can make the trip for this short meeting, please do so, especially any RE's.

The called meeting is at (map it):

Dillon Kane Group
1 N. Wacker Dr. Suite 4000
Chicago, IL 60606

Friday, October 15, 2010

Missions Weekend at Covenant Chicago

Please consider your prayerful support and possible attendance at the Covenant Chicago Mission Weekend with Dony St. Germain who will be sharing with the church and preaching the weekend of October 23 and 24. More information here.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Haiti Mission Team Meetings

Monday, October 18 (7:00 pm, Starbucks at 294 and Ogden in Hinsdale)
- For local coordinators of the proposed presbytery-wide Haiti Orphan Project
  • to work on details needed for presentation to presbytery and individual congregations
  • if you are supposed to be at this meeting, you probably know it already
  • if you want to hear more anyway, contact Ann Powers at apowers@pcanet.org
Thursday, October 21 (7:00 pm, Spring Valley PC, Roselle)
- For anyone interested in ongoing presbytery-wide ministry to Haiti and Haitian people in Chicago – especially church missions leaders, pastors and elders
  • Dony St. Germain will be our guest
  • Hear about ESMI’s vision for work in Haiti
  • How CMP can partner together and with ESMI on specific initiatives like missions trips, gardens, orphan care, church planting, etc.
  • Details on the annually sponsored “Haitian Children’s Christmas” with New Hope in Chicago 
Thursday, October 28 (7:00 pm, Covenant Presbyterian/Chicago)
Friday, October 29 (7:00 pm, Naperville PC/Naperville)
- For anyone interested in considering joining the team for a week-long missions trip to Haiti in February 2011
  • Deadlines, costs, dates
  • Needed personnel
  • Logistics, trip explanation
  • Hear from others who have gone on previous trips
  • Commitment date for this trip: December 1
  • Please RSVP to Ann at apowers@pcanet.org if you’re planning on coming to either meeting

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sandra McCracken

http://sandramccracken.com/tour - with Derek Webb and Donald Miller, tomorrow night, 10/8, downtown Naperville at the Union of NCC, $5 student, $10 general