We are beginning the process of collecting supplies that
will help us fulfill God's purpose in Haiti. There are 13 of us going,
which means we have the opportunity to bring 1300 pounds of much
needed medicine, clothing and hygiene products for the people of
I have a created a Wish List on www.walmart.com I hope will not only allow for
an easier process for donations but for a broader donation base -
people who do not live in Chicago or who are not regular church attenders
but would like to contribute.
The Wish List list works the same way a wedding or baby
shower registry does. There is a list of items, and people can choose
what they would like to donate.
Simply go to www.walmart.com, scroll over Registry, then click on Wish List.
First name: Haiti
Last name: July 2012
All items will be shipped to my home address, and I will
bring them to the team meetings to distribute. Please pass this on to anyone who would like to contribute,
post it on Facebook, Church announcements/bulletin, etc.