Mission Statement

Chicago Metro Presbytery exists to extend the gospel and to oversee the work of the ministry of the PCA throughout the Chicago Metropolitan area to the glory of God.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Haiti Trip Update #1

…and are on their way via bus to Cambry after a brief driving tour of Port au Prince. They should be arriving in a few hours to unload, unpack, and get to bed before a busy day tomorrow.

First worship service is at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, with another in the evening.

As they get settled in, please pray for them to quickly gel into a team, for health and safety during a busy, hot week and that they would bring hope, encouragement, and physical comfort to those they will minister to.

There are four different ministry teams: construction (which will build desk/chair combinations for use in the orphans’ school in Charette), teaching (seminary classes for three days), children’s (VBS type activities to complement the medical team, keeping the kids occupied while they wait for their turn to be seen) and medical (made up of both medical and non-medical folks – the non-medical do admin type tasks and are on “scabies wash” for all kids; medical staff includes two family practice docs, a pediatric intern, a dentist, a nurse-practitioner, a nurse, and an EMT).

Assuming no difficulty with cell reception in Haiti, there will be an update sent each evening until the team returns next Saturday.

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