Mission Statement

Chicago Metro Presbytery exists to extend the gospel and to oversee the work of the ministry of the PCA throughout the Chicago Metropolitan area to the glory of God.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Haiti Mission Trip - July 2011

We are beginning the preparations for the next Haiti trip in July 2011.  As you know these trips are an integral part in supporting the on going work of ESMI.  The Chicago Metro Presbytery is sponsoring a medical missions trip this summer July 22-30. We welcome your support, involvement, and prayers as we prepare to serve the Haitian people.

Churches and individuals have an opportunity to get involved on different levels.

Download the promo flyer

Pray: We ask that you would be in prayer for the leaders of El Shaddai Ministries and this trip,  for a strong team to form across the churches, for the collection of materials, funds, and necessary items be provided, and for the spiritual and physical needs of the Haitian people.  While the team is in Haiti churches and individuals can receive daily updates and pray specifically for the challenges the team is facing.

Support:  We are in need of underwriting the cost of drugs and medical instruments associated with this trip.

Pack:  Each team member on the trip will bring two 50 pound duffel bag filled with necessary items--clothes, shoes, medicine, and hygiene items.  Churches can collect items and help pack these duffel bags that are essential to our mission. An item priority list will be sent to you soon.

Go:  Individuals who are interested in being a part of this team are invited to attend an informational meeting Friday, April 8 at Naperville Presbyterian Church at 7pm or Thursday, April 7 at Covenant Presbyterian Church at 7pm. 

Attached is an informational flier that churches may use to promote the July trip.  Please feel free use this information in your newsletters, bulletins, and email communications.

If you or your church would like to be involved please contact Chris Kerslake or AnnaMarie Stastny at cmphaititrip@gmail.com.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Midwest Connection - A Conference for the Midwest Region

Connecting for vision, encouragement, and equipping.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at noon
to Thursday, May 12, 2011 at noon
Chicago IL

Click here for registration information.
Questions? Please contact Ann Powers at apowers@pcanet.org
Why a regional conference?
  • The Midwest DOES have its own mindset, culture, and sensibilities. Live somewhere else for a while and then come back and you'll see that more clearly! A regional event can equip you to reach those you are ministering to - most if not all workshop facilitators will have deep experience in this region.
  • A regional event can provide exposure to church planting and church growth principles in an exciting teaching environment for staff and laypeople in an economical way. Bring a whole team!
  • To encourage the far flung and sometimes isolated planters and pastors in the Midwest and their spouses. It gets lonely out there sometimes!
You'll benefit in these ways:
  • Something for everyone - No matter your situation, you'll come away with valuable insights that will apply to your ministry. Some things in the lineup:
    • The Praying Life, led by Bob Allums of seejesus.net
    • Church Planting Strategies for the Local Church
    • Redemptive Preaching
    • Outreach and Ministry in
      • Campus Communities
      • Urban Contexts
      • Small Towns and Rural Communities
      • Effective Evangelism in a Postmodern World
    • Going the Distance: Thriving in Ministry Over the Long Haul
    • Serving the Community Through Ministries of Mercy, Service, and Justice
  • There will also be time for worship, sharing stories of God's grace, and casual interaction/free time. Special roundtables over meals for MNA Chairmen, church planters, and women.
  • Small numbers - so there's lots of interaction time with presenters and other participants who are in similar ministry positions. The teaching team will be anchored by Church Planting Coordinator/Midwest Regional Coordinator Ted Powers. Some of the content will be filled in as we hear of your questions and needs between now and the registration deadline - so register early and help us resource you!
  • Inexpensive - a minimal registration fee covers most meals. You cover two nights in a hotel room, one meal on your own, and all transportation both to Chicago and while in Chicago. There's even an option for complementary housing in a host home if that makes it easier for you. The lower cost and shorter timeframe also allow you to bring additional team members from your church, which we highly encourage.
  • Centrally located in a hub city- you can get to Chicago from just about anywhere in ½ a day. Our schedule accommodates same day arrival, saving most participants the cost of another night in a hotel. Our host church, Naperville Presbyterian Church in suburban Naperville, is equally convenient by car from either Chicago airport. (There are no airport shuttles; you will need your own local transportation for the duration of this event.)
  • Free time to relax, refresh, and pick each others' brains over a meal or some ice cream by Naperville's scenic River Walk or a jaunt into the city.
Click here for registration at $89 per person.
This covers 3 meals and snacks. Please register everyone in your group using this link. We encourage you to tell us your questions and issues. We will tailor the event to address the needs of registrants. There will be also be time for interaction, Q & A, and consultations with presenters outside of seminar times. You may list your questions and issues when you register at the link above.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Haiti 2011 Mission Trip

Next Haiti Trip: July 22-30. Commitment date will be April 11; information meetings to be held very soon. Watch this space for more info…

Haiti 2011 Mission Update #9

I have to thank you for your love, your strength and your determination to serve our Lord Jesus. You have demonstrated the heart of a genuine servant of Jesus among us. Our heart is overwhelmed by such a miracle. Thank you so much.

Sunday's services was incredible at La Savannes. The church was pact and their was no more room inside so people had to stand outside. Your last trip is a life changing experience in this community. They will never forget you. Pastor Mongerard and his wife are so happy. They cannot wait to see you in July.

Jude is doing well now. He is ok. His life is change for ever. Even thou we did not take the needle out, he can start to feel the changes in his life. He understood the word the Lord placed in your heart for him. He'll live with the thorn in his flesh, but it get no power over him anymore. His Lord is greater. Alleluia! He was at church on sunday worshiping the Lord by lifting up the hand that the devil used to use in the past.

Thank you for the money you'll send for the river at Cherette. It is amazing! We are going to act quickly because we would like to finish it before May. ESMI has no words to express its gratitude toward you and your brothers and sisters for such a blessing. We are so happy to be able to get this blessing to save our ministry in Cherette. With out this work, we would lose the church and eventually the school and the orphanage buildings. The whole community is happy. Not only you are going to save the ministry property, but also you are providing more than 375 new jobs. We are going to need that many people to dig, to place, to cary rocks and fill the gabbions. Cherette will never be the same.

Pastor Mongerard is so happy to know that God has answer the prayer of his congregation about the floor of the church. Now they'll be able to stand properly and worship all together, the whole Body of Christ at La Savannes. As soon we get the money, we'll have it done and we'll send all the pictures to you dear Brother.

Our joy is unspeakable. Please share our best regards with your lovely family and all the team members for their tremendous efforts to share Jesus' love with our nation. May His grace be with you all for ever and ever.
