The team had a wonderful day with the kids at Cavaillon today. The pictures attached will tell the story...but a few details here first:
- Safe travel today for team, and now done with dinner, team meeting, and reorganization of supplies. All are ready for a good night’s sleep!
- The team saw that progress on the physical plant at Cavaillon is like night and day. The “repeaters” are so encouraged to see the transformations! Just a few more things to complete, plus big plans for a permanent clinic are being made, which hopefully will be built in July from ready to assemble pieces shipped from the US. One of team members is heading that up and has many of the plans already in place to make that happen. Today he and Louis scouted out the best possible locations in the compound.
- For those of you who remember the early days of Cavaillon, where the kids literally ate their meals sitting on the ground, take a look at the dining hall. Hallelujah!
- Another item of praise that shows how a long term commitment by so many to help these children is bearing fruit - one of the doctors said today that “malnutrition used to be the norm - now it’s the exception”. Double hallelujah. and praise and thanksgiving for the donors who literally buy the food they eat with their monthly support! The team saw 43 kids, some who had some injuries that needed tending, but overall they’re in very good shape.
- The water system installed two years ago is working well and generating enough profits to keep it in good upkeep and pay the operators a living wage - just like the business plan was written on paper! Again, hallelujah! The team finished today since there was so little to adjust/repair. Tomorrow, they’ll head to LaHatte with some Living Waters reps (their partners in installing the systems) to check out an old and non-working system installed by someone else (not our group) to see if it can be brought back online in order to benefit that community.
- The training going on in Jeremie is going great! The trainer, Sean, has turned over teaching to those he is training, under his watchful eye. The goal is to train multiple local pastors, who will then train others. It’s working :)
- The plans tomorrow, back at Cavaillon, to finish checking out the boys (almost all the girls were today), do some water usage/hygiene training for housemoms and older kids, and then a refresher on women’s hygiene issues for housemoms and older girls, led by Dr. Daisy.
- That the kids would feel loved and cared for by our team - there should be time for play tomorrow, which will be great!
- A few team members who are feeling sick tonight, one quite uncomfortable but as of now sleeping and under strong antibiotics. Please pray that whatever it is does not spread and that these two are up and about tomorrow so they can do what they came to do. It is so frustrating to be held back by illness when the team is there for such a short time.
- Pray for the three going on from Cavaillon to LaHatte with the Living Waters folks, and Sean in Jeremie, for safe travels and productive days.
- Air conditioning - not so great last night, and comfortable sleep was hard to come by. It’s on now, and hopefully will stay on.