Mission Statement

Chicago Metro Presbytery exists to extend the gospel and to oversee the work of the ministry of the PCA throughout the Chicago Metropolitan area to the glory of God.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Haiti Mission Team Update #1

The team has landed in the Dominican Republic, sailed through customs and is now loaded up into one large and comfortable van for the 4 hour trip to the Haiti border, then several more hours to Les Cayes, probably in a different bus.

In the Miami airport, 25 adults with the same T shirt on (a team T shirt is often donated by a supporter as a souvenir, but it also helps Ted in the airport when team members join us from other parts of the country that he does not recognize on sight) caused some attention. After answering several questions from other travelers, some were moved to donate to the team on the spot for relief in Haiti.

Please continue to pray for safe travel and for stamina on this very long day. By the time they arrive in Cambry, it could easily be 16 total hours of travel for the day. And there’s a 6:00 am worship service in the morning!

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